The Annual Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser is the Day School’s main fundraiser. Last year, we earned over $6,000. After a 10% tithe was given to the Treehouse Child Advocacy Center, the remainder was divided between the scholarship fund, operations (including updates to the security cameras), and big projects (primarily this website). This success would not have been possible without the significant support the Day School received from parents and families.
You can help by:
- Selling tickets ($8 each). Families were given 8 to sell, but Ms. Nancy has more if you need them. Bring in the money by February 4th.
- Bringing in brownies on the day of the dinner, February 7th
- Helping prepare the salad, serve the meals, or clean up on February 7th
If you can volunteer, let your child’s teacher know. Bonus: the church nursery will be open to watch your children.
Main details:
- The dinner includes a generous portion of spaghetti with meat sauce, a roll, salad, and a brownie.
- Tickets are $8.
- Dinners are picked up in a “drive through” in the church parking lot on February 7 from 4pm to 7pm.
- Help with the salad is needed from 9 to 11am. Preparing and distributing the food will be done in two shifts from 3 to 5 and 5 to 7:30.
Thank you for all you do to make St. Thomas a great school!